分撿器械(Sorting process machinery)包括: Pre-cleaner, magnets, gravity table, polisher, color sorter 預濾器,磁鐵,重力台,拋光機,色選機
包裝種類(Alternative packages): Palletized paper bags, paper bags, 1 MT big bags, bulk with liner 加棧板的紙袋、紙袋、一噸紙袋、有內襯的散裝(註1)等等
外觀看起來肚臍顏色比較明亮。 蛋白質含量 40~41%左右。
包裝種類(Alternative packages): 1 MT big bags or bulk with liner 一噸紙袋、有內襯的散裝
小結論: 飼料級包裝比較大、蛋白質略少、暗色肚臍一定是飼料級
On our farm, we grow 3 “types” of soy: seed-grade soy, feed-grade soy, and food-grade soy. 我家農場種三種,做種子的、飼料級、食品級
First, a few definitions: 簡單定義
Seed-grade soy: Seed-grade soybeans are grown by farmers to be planted the following growing season. Essentially, these are soybeans grown simply to be producers of seed and not converted into any type of animal or human product. They must meet purity standards for being true to their specific variety of soybeans. 播種用途
Feed-grade soy: The primary use of these soybeans is as animal feed. Feed-grade soybeans make up the bulk of the soybean production in the USA . While they still must meet certain quality standards, they do not have to meet any purity standards regarding the type of variety of soybean. The nutritional analysis of this type of soybean is usually 36% protein which when fed to livestock meets part of their daily nutritional requirements for protein. Livestock diets must be well balanced for those animals to be healthy, productive and provide us with quality cuts of meat. 做為動物飼料、仍須達到特定品質標準,不用達到大豆的純淨標準、通常含有36%蛋白質以提供動物營養。
Food-grade soy: These soybeans are used in the production of soy foods such as tofu, soy-milk, sprouts and other soy-based foods. The nutritional analysis of food-grade soybeans is generally higher in protein than that of feed-grade soybeans. Food-grade soybeans range between 42-45% protein. A higher level of protein in the soybean helps make a better soy food product. 用來做食品,豆腐豆漿、豆芽、豆製品。通常有較高的蛋白質含量,約42~45%,適合做出較好的食品。
We get a higher price per bushel when we sell seed- or food-grade soybeans than what feed-grade soybeans are selling for at the local grain elevator. 販售種子與食品等及黃豆比起飼料級有較好的售價。
The reason for this is because these soybeans require something called “Identity Preservation” or IP. Using IP means that farmers ensure the purity of each variety of soybean. 原因是種子與食品級需要IP,身份保持(註2),代表確保各種黃豆的純度。
There is no blending of soybeans from other varieties and “contamination” between varieties will result in that batch being rejected. 代表不會混合不同品種的黃豆,並要排除汙染
This means we clean out our planters, combines, trucks, grain carts, and grain bins to be sure that there is no “contaminating” soybeans left behind from the previous use of that equipment. If you do not like detailed housekeeping, then you would not like to be a grower of seed- or food-grade soybeans. Vacuuming a combine is not fun or easy. 意思是,要清潔耕耘機、聯合收割機,卡車,糧車和糧倉,以確保不會因為器具而造成汙染。這需要仔細的清潔。
Soybeans are vigorously tested to ensure that the identity is preserved or that they are in fact are the specific soybeans of a specific variety that was planted in a specific field. We keep detailed records about which varieties are planted where and which tanks they go into, always cleaning out the equipment before changing over to the next variety. We frequently grow 3-5 different varieties of soybeans, so the combine, trucks, and bins get cleaned multiple times throughout harvest season. 會保持詳細的紀錄、關於品種以及哪台卡車去收割等等、作者農場種了3~5種的黃豆,因此每個收穫季節都要仔細清理那些器械許多次。
他說IP不限 "基改或非基改"黃豆,
which means不要以為有IP證明就絕對非基改,
Food and Feed grade soybean specifications 食品與飼料等級黃豆特性
也不是說外國的月亮比較大、外國和尚比較會念經,只是台灣的文章... 也要自己篩選就是了
註1: 參考google圖片,應該是貨櫃但裡面有麻布等包裝,以避免一打開貨艙整個灑出來
註2: IP可以參考: http://www.ieatpe.org.tw/statute/view_nb.asp?ID=5068 台灣食藥署也是會看這種證明文件。
Soybeans are vigorously tested to ensure that the identity is preserved or that they are in fact are the specific soybeans of a specific variety that was planted in a specific field. We keep detailed records about which varieties are planted where and which tanks they go into, always cleaning out the equipment before changing over to the next variety. We frequently grow 3-5 different varieties of soybeans, so the combine, trucks, and bins get cleaned multiple times throughout harvest season. 會保持詳細的紀錄、關於品種以及哪台卡車去收割等等、作者農場種了3~5種的黃豆,因此每個收穫季節都要仔細清理那些器械許多次。
小結論: 食品級的蛋白質真的比較高、要達到品種純淨標準。
他說IP不限 "基改或非基改"黃豆,
which means不要以為有IP證明就絕對非基改,
Food and Feed grade soybean specifications 食品與飼料等級黃豆特性
The Many Faces of Soy
http://thefoodiefarmer.blogspot.tw/2011/12/many-faces-of-soy.html也不是說外國的月亮比較大、外國和尚比較會念經,只是台灣的文章... 也要自己篩選就是了
註1: 參考google圖片,應該是貨櫃但裡面有麻布等包裝,以避免一打開貨艙整個灑出來
註2: IP可以參考: http://www.ieatpe.org.tw/statute/view_nb.asp?ID=5068 台灣食藥署也是會看這種證明文件。